Stage Play Publisher / Licensor
Written by Jerry Perna
When life gets rough, perhaps it is time to 'face the music'. A fascinating and poignant look at failed composer and music professor Paul Diollio. Seeking emotional solace, in an increasingly complex world, through the ballads and pop culture of his 1960's childhood, a series of events shakes him to his core, in this serio-comedy with music. Visited by a mysterious young woman, supernatural occurrances abound, as Paul finds that too much nostalgia may be hazardous to your health!
1M, 1F
Royalties for Non-Professional Theatres
Small Theatre (under 200 seats) $55 First Performance, $45 Additional
Medium Theatre (200 - 500 seats) $60 First Performance, $50 Additional
Large Theatre (500+ seats) $65 First Performance, $55 Additional
Professional Theatrical licensing will be negotiated on a case by case basis.
Click on the above photo to watch a four minute clip from the premiere production of The Music You Remember
A poignant look at aging. Perfect opportunity for older actors.
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